
J.R. Lowell Elementary School Renovation and Expansion Completed

Watertown, MA – CTA Construction Managers recently completed construction for the renovation and expansion of the Lowell Elementary School in Watertown. CTA Construction staff recently joined school officials, town building committee members, project management firm Hill International and Ai3 Architects at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly finished school.

“We were very happy to be part of this wonderful project that brings a state-of-the-art learning experience to the community,” said Pat Tompkins, principal at CTA Construction.

The school renovation, which preserved much of the historical exterior of the original school, and the new addition were both designed by Ai3 Architects. “We were extremely pleased we were able to preserve and replicate so much of what the town loves about J.R. Lowell’s classic ‘schoolhouse on the hill’ architecture,” said Daren Sawyer, partner at Ai3 Architects LLC. “Our team, along with CTA Construction Managers, The Yankee Steeplejack Company, and Duro Fiber Company, were even able to create and install a replica of the original 1926 wooden cupola that tops the school. The replica is made of durable glass fiber reinforced polymer and copper.” The original cupola was part of a passive ventilation system for the school that was abandoned when in-room heating and ventilation units were installed mid-20th century.

This project marked CTA Construction’s 41st school project in Massachusetts and second project for the city of Watertown. CTA previously built the public works facility that is near the school.